Cutest Blog On The Block

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rough Morning

I know I've been TERRIBLE keeping our blog us to date (its been well over a year), however after getting Tyler's emails this morning I couldn't help myself but to share.

Tyler's email at 9:59am:
FYI - I just found the kids in our shower and Deacon had managed to pump out quite a bit of shampoo and had it rubbed all over his head. Avi had it all over her hands. I had to shower with Deacon and he freaked when I had to rinse the shampoo out of his hair. After we got out and started to get this a little under control, Avi peed all over the hardwoods right next to the playroom. She was in her undies because we were supposed to be heading upstairs to get dressed.

Looking quite proud!

Tami's email at 10:14am:
I know that's not funny at all (and I can only imagine how irritated you are), but it's a little cute they were trying to shower.

Tyler's email at 11:25am:
...and then this just happened

Tami's email at 11:28am:
I will make sure I have a bag of pork rinds, sugar free candy and an energy drink in hand for you when I get home.

Do you know which child did this?

Tyler's email at 11:32am:
Oh, and Avi just pooped in her underwear and was running around playing not even caring she had a huge poop in her pants.

P.S. Deacon colored on the window.

Tyler's email at 1:03pm:
I think I forgot to tell you that I also spilled a whole can of Pepsi all over my phone, the counter, my mail, etc. Oh, and somewhere in there Avi peed her pants but managed to stop and tell me so she could finish on the toilet (so that's a positive, I guess).

Tyler's email at 1:36pm:
Just got Avi up.....not sure if she ever went to sleep.

Tyler's email at 3:17pm:
Avi just peed thru her undies and comfy pants (editor's note: this is the word Avi uses when referring to her sweatpants). On the bright side, she stopped and told me she had to pee. We ran to the potty and she did go a little bit more. I think we are on her 4th pair of undies today.

Side note - Deacon came to me and said "Dad, please change my diaper please". '

Tami's email at 3:24pm:
I'm scared to come home tonight.

Tyler's email at 3:36pm:
Its been interesting, to say the least.

One more funny thing - when I was cleaning off the window, Deacon was totally bossing me around. "Dad, clean that up!" I wasn't really sure what to say.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Tragic Morning

What a morning - our little peanut was walking to the patio door to watch Tank play outside. She has only been walking a couple of weeks and can often be found stumbling around. She tripped, fell and hit her head on the bottom of the door leaving a nice little split in her forehead. Fortunately, she never lost consciousness and after the initial tears she seemed to be acting normal. However, there was no doubt in my mind that she would be visiting the ER. The staff's initial reaction was that she was going to need stitches. However, after numbing and cleaning the wound, she revealed a nice straight split and they were able to glue the cut closed.

Before the ER

After the ER

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Couple of Cute Kids

Guess what? Peanut and Violet snuggling.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010